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DevOps in the Cloud with Terraform, Ansible, and Jenkins
Intro and Prereqs
Welcome to the Course! (1:58)
AWS Broke Cloud9!
New AWS Account Setup (5:24)
IAM Configuration (5:32)
AWS Billing Setup (3:12)
AWS Credentials in Codespaces
Cloud9 Setup (4:56)
Building our Infrastructure with Terraform
Install Terraform (2:08)
Read Me!
The AWS Provider (4:35)
Terraform Init (3:37)
Terraform Apply (6:36)
Terraform State (5:19)
Terraform Cloud Setup (6:16)
Exploring State (6:28)
VPC Variables (5:30)
Internet Gateway and Referencing Resources (4:38)
The Random Resource (5:42)
Lifecycle Policies (5:24)
Public Route Table (6:00)
Default Route Table (4:13)
Data Sources (6:39)
Public Subnets (6:10)
Count (7:19)
Private Subnets - Terraform Apply Yourself! (3:17)
Variables and the Console (4:26)
Local Values (2:47)
cidrsubnet() Function (6:43)
Route Table Associations (4:41)
Security Groups (7:10)
Creating the SSH Key (3:10)
File Cleanup (2:08)
The AMI Data Source (5:17)
EC2 - Initial Setup (6:45)
EC2 - Count - Terraform Apply Yourself! (4:00)
EC2 - SSH - Authentication (6:53)
EC2 Userdata Templates (5:21)
Terraform Taint (6:01)
Local Provisioners (7:59)
Destroy-Time Provisioners (3:39)
Cloud9 Security Rule (3:59)
Remote Provisioners (10:16)
Ansible for Modifying our Instances
Cloud9 Resizing - Skip if not using Cloud9 (2:13)
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Ansible Installation (2:30)
Ad Hoc Commands (6:17)
Inventory File (6:33)
Playbook Scaffolding (6:51)
The apt_key Module (3:28)
The apt_repository Module (3:38)
The apt Module (2:51)
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The systemd Module - Terraform Apply Yourself! (4:46)
Playbook Destroy (4:52)
Calling Playbooks from Terraform (6:37)
Ansible Retry (5:34)
Awaiting EC2 (4:29)
Prometheus Playbook Scaffolding (6:02)
get_url and unarchive Modules (5:07)
User and Group Modules (2:50)
Loops, Directories, and Files (5:14)
Copying Files (5:33)
Jinja Templates and Variables (4:48)
The Service Template and Systemd - Terraform Apply Yourself! (3:53)
Adding Deployment Control with Jenkins
Install Jenkins with Ansible - Terraform Apply Yourself! (4:19)
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Jenkins Setup (2:59)
Github Setup (8:18)
Commit your Code (5:33)
Terraform Credentials (5:01)
Our First Run! (7:42)
Jenkins Apply! (5:00)
Jenkins and Ansible (7:42)
Read Me!
A Multi-branch Pipeline (5:16)
Our First Jenkinsfile (7:32)
Jenkinsfile Environment Variables (4:36)
Jenkins Apply and Destroy - Terraform Apply Yourself! (4:13)
EC2 Wait in Jenkins (4:33)
Using Ansible in the Jenkinsfile (4:09)
Accepting inputs in Jenkins (5:25)
Inputs in Jenkins - Terraform Apply Yourself! (6:15)
Jenkinsfile Post Section (4:50)
Configuring Multiple TFVARS Files (1:56)
Creating the Dev Branch (4:48)
Jenkinsfile Conditionals (8:54)
Abort Post Action (2:51)
Using JQ to Await our EC2 Instances (9:12)
Adding our JQ Script to the Jenkinsfile (7:50)
Using Custom Outputs and JQ for Inventory (11:41)
Using Custom Outputs for EC2 Wait - Terraform Apply Yourself! (3:14)
Testing our Apps with Ansible (7:55)
Optimizing our Test Playbook with Loops and Dicts (8:45)
Our Stack in Action (11:47)
Accepting inputs in Jenkins
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